I had the opportunity to do some Plein Air Painting on Friday. I REALLY enjoyed being out in fresh air, the temps were perfect! I used my Liquitex Acrylic Markers and they worked beautifully for plein air. They are easy to transport. There is little or no clean up. I am sold on this product!
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Yesterday, I decided that since my puppy insists on running around outside, that I would join her. I took my easel and water soluble oils outside and did some stress relieving 5 x 7 studies. I am “almost” happy with the flowers – I may have “played around with it too much”. I like the texture of the autumn scene, but need to work on my colors. The yellows and greens need to be “grayed” up a bit.

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By the time that I brought my easel in, I was “relaxed”, and my puppy was already in bed!